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Health Services


Free Health Services for all the family


Free health and medical services are available at Clayton View and Middle Swan. We have a range of health professionals visit the sites to provide services throughout the week.


Child and Maternal Health Nurse

Health Department nurses provide free clinics to monitor your health as a mother and the care of your children from birth and throughout childhood.



All baby and childhood immunisation schedules can be fulfilled at
our clinics. Adult flu shots are also available annually.


School Age Health Checks

School age child health checks (hearing, sight, physical etc)
can be completed through the Hub health clinics.


Allied Health Services

A range of Allied Health Services are available at Hub sites.
For example: Speech Therapists.


Aboriginal Health

Derbarl Yerrigan Aboriginal Health Service provides a Nurse Practitioner to support the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal children and adults. 






Midvale Hub

33 Wellaton Street, Midvale WA 6056

PO Box 1010, Midland DC WA 6936





Child Care Centre         9290 6888

Parenting Service         9290 6827

Family Day Care           9290 6822

Child & Parent Centre   9290 6830




© Midvale Hub 2022

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