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Parenting is such an important role and each stage of childhood presents new challenges. By continuing to learn about these different stages, and by developing new skills, you can support your child as they grow to strengthen and enhance family relationships.


Midvale Hub Parenting Service is a FREE service, offering information, support and referral services for parents and families with children 0-18 years within the Shire of Mundaring, City of Swan, Town of Bassendean and City of Bayswater.


Parenting Programs

The Midvale Hub Parenting Service offers a range of parenting programs to assist you to grow happy healthy children. Individual assistance with parenting is available for any parenting concerns you may have, just talk to one of our Parenting Educators and they will be more than happy to listen and provide practical support and skill building.


Our Parent Information and Support is offered through:

  • Parenting programs for groups and individuals

  • Individual and group support sessions

  • Community events


The Parenting Service works in partnership with families to share knowledge and
develop parenting skills, to support children to reach their potential at each age
and developmental stage.


We Work in Partnership With You To:

  • learn more about your child’s development, behaviour, social and
    emotional needs

  • enhance parenting skills to assist you to feel more confident about your

  • explore ways to strengthen your relationship with your child

  • provide parents with a greater understanding of their and their children’s
    emotional experiences and strategies to self-regulate

  • develop social networks and connections in your community

  • find out about other local support services


[Download brochure]


Parenting Programs available

Ask us about our parenting programs including: Circle of Security Parenting,
Tuning in to Kids, Tuning in to Teens, 1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching,
Engaging Adolescents and Bringing Up Great Kids. We can also tailor a
program to suit your needs.



Circle of Security Parenting

Circle of Security Parenting is a 8 session program for parents with children aged 4 months 
to 6 years.


The program is designed to enhance the bond and sense of security for both parents and their children. Learn more about:

  • understanding children and their emotional development

  • understanding parenting influences

  • helping children to feel safe in their world

  • identifying and enhancing parenting strengths.


[Download brochure]



Tuning in to Kids

Tuning in to Kids is a 6 session program for parents with children aged 3 to 10 years.


The program explores ways that parents can help
their children develop emotional intelligence and increase the emotional connection between
parents and children. Learn more about:

  • developing emotion coaching skills to help children understand and regulate their own   feelings and emotions

  • promoting co-operative behaviour in young children

  • developing parents’ own emotional awareness

  • managing emotions such as anger and anxiety.


[Download brochure]



Tuning in to Teens

Tuning in to Teens is a 6 session program for parents with children aged 11 to 18 years.


The program provides parents with a greater understanding of their teen’s emotional experiences. It also explores specific skills that help parents be supportive, empathic and stay connected with their teen. Learn more about:

  • understanding teenage development

  • supporting teens to manage difficult emotions

  • promoting positive behaviour

  • supporting teens to maintain friendships and deal with conflict.


[Download brochure]



1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching

1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching is a 3 session program for parents with children
aged 3 to 10 years.


The program explores ways parents can increase their children’s ability to manage,
and self-regulate their feelings and reactions.Learn more about:

  • building positive relationships with children

  • encouraging positive behaviour

  • setting family rules and routines

  • planning to avoid or manage potentially difficult situations.


[Download brochure]


Engaging Adolescents

Engaging Adolescents is a 3 session program for parents with children aged 11 to 18 years.


The program explores the changing landscape of a teenager and the different skills parents can use to keep connected with their teen.

Learn more about:

  • building positive relationships with teenagers

  • setting realistic boundaries

  • working out how to respond in tricky emotional situations

  • having difficult conversations about going out, internet use, gaming or school work.


[Download brochure]


Bringing Up Great Kids

Bringing Up Great Kids is a 6 session program for parents with children aged 0 to 18 years.


The parenting program encourages parents and carers to become more reflective and mindful in their parenting approach.

Learn more about:

  • the origins of parenting styles and how it can be more effective

  • identifying important messages to convey to children and how to achieve this

  • brain development in children and its influences on thoughts, feelings and behaviour

  • understanding the meaning of children’s behaviour

  • ways for parents to take care of themselves and to find support when they need it.


[Download brochure]


Midvale Hub Parenting Service
Perth (North East)


For further information please call us on






or by email:




9290 6827


Thank you for your enquiry. We will be contact shortly with you.



Midvale Hub

33 Wellaton Street, Midvale WA 6056

PO Box 1010, Midland DC WA 6936





Child Care Centre         9290 6888

Parenting Service         9290 6827

Family Day Care           9290 6822

Child & Parent Centre   9290 6830




© Midvale Hub 2022

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